Prospective Students & Registration
We have limited spaces in our 2024-2025 program. Please email membership@suffieldcooperativepreschool.com for current tuition rates and a registration form.
2025-2026 School Year Information
Thank you for your interest in Suffield Cooperative Preschool! The following information is regarding registration for prospective families. Please read all the information carefully. If you wish to submit an application after you have read the information below, you will find the registration link at the bottom of this page:
The priority registration period (current and alumni families) is from February 24 - March 2
After March 2nd all registrations will be processed as “new member.”
New member registration opens March 3rd.
Admission of students is determined by priority status and availability of space on a first come, first served basis regardless of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, ancestry, military status, or religion. Priority status is given to current members and alumni families (applicants who have siblings who attended in previous years). Any priority status families applying after open enrollment starts will be processed as new applicants. We will continue accepting applications in person or through email/mail until all available slots are filled. Slots will be filled in the order they are received. After all slots are filled, subsequent applications will be placed on a wait list. You will receive an email to confirm that your application has been received and to let you know if your application has been wait listed. The email will be coming from our Membership Chair (membership@suffieldcooperativepreschool.com). Please check your SPAM folder if you do not receive a response to your application within 1-2 days and contact our Membership Chair with any questions.
Children must be 3 years old to enroll in the “3 year old program” and 4 years old to enroll in the “4 year old program” by September 1 of the year of enrollment.
Our preschool is a Co-op, which means it’s not just a typical preschool. As a member of the Suffield Cooperative Preschool you are asked to either hold a position on the board or become actively involved with a committee. There are also some other volunteer requirements (e.g., cleaning night) outlined in our parent involvement contract (found embedded in the registration form linked below). It’s important to know that our preschool is run by the Director and parent volunteers! Parent involvement is crucial to the success of our preschool. If you have any interest in and/or would like more information about joining the board, please contact our Chairperson via email at chairperson@suffieldcooperativepreschool.com
* The Lunch Bunch program is limited to students in the 4 year old program and has limited space. This program allows students the opportunity to extend their school day, work on social skills in a smaller group setting, and practice independence during lunch. Families provide lunch for their child.
Additional Days
Additional days beyond our core program, outlined above, are on a first come, first served basis after the core program enrollment period is completed. Spaces are extremely limited for these programs. Families are encouraged to indicate interest on their initial application and will be notified after April 1 whether we can accommodate their request. Waitlists for these programs are likely.
3-day program for 3-year-olds
Wednesday 8:45 am - 12:00 pm
If space is available the Membership Chair will contact interested families to coordinate schedules.
5-day program for 4-year-olds
Monday through Friday, 8:45 am - 12:00 pm
Students considered for this program must be planning to attend Kindergarten the following fall.
Required Fees:
A nonrefundable $50 registration fee is due at the time of this application.
A nonrefundable $250 enrollment fee is due by July 14 in order to hold your child’s spot until school starts in the fall.
Available Discounts:
A waiver for the $250 enrollment fee applies to any family with a parent serving on the board. The Chairperson receives an additional $250 discount.
We offer a classroom helping discount of $200 for each family that commits to helping in the classroom a minimum of 7 times throughout the school year. See attached Classroom Helping Contract.
We offer a 10% discount for multiple children (discount applied to the lowest tuition fee)
Financial need-based scholarships are available to families. Please contact membership@suffieldcooperativepreschool.com for more information.
Required Health Forms
Families must complete and present required health forms for their child as required by the State of Connecticut. Forms are due by July 14th. Children will not be able to start preschool without these forms being submitted.
All health forms and immunization records must be maintained for students as required by the State of Connecticut.
The State of Connecticut requires all preschoolers to obtain a current influenza vaccination prior to December 31st of each calendar year. Proof of vaccination or medical exemption must be maintained in each student’s file.
Registration Instructions
Please follow the link below to complete your ONLINE registration through our Jovial Portal. Registrations are considered submitted once all the required forms are submitted AND we have received the $50 registration fee (which will be submitted as part of the digital registration form).
Please check back on or after March 3 for a link to our registration form for next school year.